Lesotho's Wool and
Mohair Sector
Empowering farmers and enhancing trade: Lihoai Consultancy's dynamic role in Lesotho's Wool and Mohair Industry.
Lihoai Consultancy PTY LTD Reg. No A2022/1285 is a private company registered in Lesotho under the Companies Act 2019. It is a BKB subsidiary company that is 100% owned by BKB Limited. The company, in collaboration with Lesotho National Wool and Mohair Growers Association (LNWMGA) and Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, provides field services and facilitation of small stock shows at district and national levels.
The main mandate of Lihoai Consultancy is to provide consultancy service to BKB by coordinating and facilitating logistics of wool and mohair mainly for LNWMGA and Farmers Rock Association.
Lihoai Consultancy operates from Maseru, providing easy and consistent access to its services for both farmers and traders on all working days.
BKB's establishment of Lihoai Consultancy has led to a decentralization of services, allowing farmers and private traders to access support within Lesotho by Basotho employees, eliminating the need to go to Port Elizabeth.
Through Lihoai Consultancy, BKB has taken charge of handling 80% of Lesotho's wool and mohair clip, solidifying its influence and impact on the nation's wool and mohair trade.
Manager Wool & Mohair Lihoai Office
Tel: +266 6206 0011 / +266 6282 8878