Celebrating Over
100 Years of Trust
Our story is one of relationships, values, and trust. From our inception we have always placed these ideals at the forefront of our business strategy.
Partnerships forged over decades continue today and we endeavour to further develop from both existing and new relationships. Grounded as a leader in the Agri-Industry our values, core competencies and reputation ensure the sustainability of our long-term competitive advantage.
Our achievements over more than 100 years have been our expansion and positioning as the leading natural fibre broker and livestock auctioneering business in Africa, along with the diversification of our business, both locally and internationally. The BKB Group has developed into an organization where our people are our differentiating factor with common values that are underpinned by integrity.
The first wool cooperative, FCU, established in
Port Elizabeth
BSB (wool cooperative) founded in
Cape Town and relocated during the
same year to Port Elizabeth
WGA (wool cooperative) was founded
in East London
KWB (wool cooperative) founded with head
office in Belfast and moved to Durban
BKB was founded through the amalgamation
of FCU, BSB and KWB
BKB converted and restructured from a
cooperative to a public company
Acquired BKB Louwid (Livestock Marketing)
BKB transferred 15% shareholding ownership
to BBBEE producer partners in Ciskei, Transkei
and Lesotho
Acquired BKB van Wyk (Livestock Marketing)
Acquired BKB GrainCo and Gritco (Grain
storage, trading and processing)
Established BKB Agrifin (Agri Finance)
Merged with ECAC (East Cape Agricultural
Established PaKHouse Brands and acquired
Atlanta Products
Acquired 75% of Fruits du Sud, now Desert
Raisins (Pty) Ltd (Raisin processing & exports)
Established AlphaAlfa (Lucerne processing
and exports)
Acquired RFID Experts Africa (Radio frequency
identification and data transfer systems)
BKB Properties repositioned as Home &
Hectare Real Estate
and acquired Solomons Crafford Real Estate.
Commissioned our second grid mill in
Acquired GWK Livestock Trading in the Central
Free State, Southern Cape as well as the
Acquired KLK Livestock in the Northern Cape
BKB listed on the Cape Town Stock Exchange
Home & Hectare acquires GWK Properties
Free State
Acquired GWK’s southern livestock business, including Humansdorp Auction Point.
Established BKB Pinnacle Fibres (fibre trading business).
Acquired the Provident Group of health retail companies in the former Transkei.