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Interim Financial Statements 2022

31 December 2022

The first six months of the current financial year have been very challenging for most of the BKB Group’s business units. The Group’s financial performance to 31 December 2022 largely reflects the scale of the direct and indirect effects of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), restricted access to the world’s major wool market (China) and severe supply chain disruptions. Both the Fibre Division and Livestock Division, usually the two largest profit earners in the Group, were hit very hard by these events. The difficult business conditions affecting the whole Group were characterised by unprecedented levels of load shedding, high producer inflation, rising living costs for consumers and increased interest rates.

BKB’s diversified spread of services and products across several agricultural related sectors continues to enable the Group to be resilient in difficult times and better withstand the cyclical fluctuations which are inherent in the agricultural sector.

 To see the full Interim Financial Statement click here